Factors of academic procrastination: The role of perfectionism, anxiety and depression
Eva Kranjec, Katja Košir & Luka Komidar
Full text (pdf) | Views: 1124 | Written in Slovene. | Published: June 28, 2016
Abstract: This study investigated dimensions of perfectionism, anxiety, and depression as factors of academic procrastination. Our main research interest was to examine the role of specific dimensions of perfectionism as moderators in the relationship between anxiety and depression and academic procrastination. Four scales were administered on the sample of 403 students: perfectionism scale FMPS, academic procrastination scale APS-SI, depression scale CESD and anxiety scale STAI-X2. The results showed significant positive relationships between maladaptive dimensions of perfectionism, anxiety, depression, and academic procrastination. In addition, results showed significant negative associations between adaptive dimensions of perfectionism and academic procrastination. Certain dimensions of perfectionism, anxiety, and depression proved to be significant predictors of academic procrastination. The dimensions of perfectionism and academic procrastination were also significantly related to anxiety and depression, which both predicted academic procrastination. The relationship between anxiety levels and academic procrastination was moderated by personal standards (as adaptive dimension of perfectionism), while the relationship between depression levels and academic procrastination was moderated by the maladaptive dimension of parents’ expectations.
Keywords: academic procrastination, perfectionism, anxiety, depression, students