« Back to Volume 9 (2000), Issue 2
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The picture test of separation and individuation - preliminary research
Gregor Žvelc & Maša Žvelc
Full text (pdf) | Views: 26 | Written in Slovene. | Published: June 1, 2000
Abstract: Authors introduce a new instrument, which they developed for measuring separation and individuation process and attachment in adolescence and adulthood. The Picture Test of Separation and Individuation (PTSI) is a semi–projective test. It consists of various pictures, which represent relationships with significant others. PTSI is divided into three subtests: Relationship with Mother, Relationship with Father and Attachment. In a preliminary research on a sample of college and university students authors studied basic properties of the test. The results of the research indicate that PTSI is consistent with theoretical background, has good sensitivity and is economical. The Picture Test of Separation and Individuation enables quick but complex insight into individual's relationships with significant others as well as into his/her stage of separation and individuation process. Considering satisfying results of pilot study, authors suggest further research for validation of the test.
Keywords: separation, individuation, attachment, adolescents, test development