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Horizons of Psychology :: Psihološka obzorja

Scientific and Professional Psychological Journal of the Slovenian Psychologists' Association

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« Back to Volume 13 (2004), Issue 1

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Therapeutic working alliance: From a psychoanalitical to a pantheoretical conception

Peter Praper

pdf Full text (pdf)  |  Views: 20  |  flagWritten in Slovene.  |  Published: May 13, 2004

Abstract: Although the concept of therapeutic working alliance was rooted in psychoanalysis, today it is more prominent in psychoanalytic psychotherapies than psychoanalysis. It is rather surprising that we cannot find the concept in the Laplanche and Pontalis Dictionary. During the last two decades a growing body of empirical research material on therapeutic working alliance was published, confirming the idea of the alliance as a separate dimension of therapeutic relationship with few recognisable components. The dimension of the therapeutic working alliance was examined in several approaches and proved as one of the most important therapeutic factors, regardless of the approach, and it has finally been accepted as a pantheoretical concept.

Keywords: therapeutic working alliance, psychotherapy, counselling, consulting

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