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Horizons of Psychology :: Psihološka obzorja

Scientific and Professional Psychological Journal of the Slovenian Psychologists' Association

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« Back to Volume 9 (2000), Issue 2

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Violence, shame and humiliation

Robert Oravecz

pdf Full text (pdf)  |  Views: 55  |  flagWritten in Slovene.  |  Published: June 1, 2000

Abstract: The phenomenon of shame came into the focus of psychology and psychiatry only a few years ago. Psychopathology recognizes many shame related syndromes and disorders. Recognition of the scientific importance of shame is connected with the change in theoretical understanding of neuroses. Scientific evidence confirm the connection between violence and humiliation of human dignity. Humiliation seems to effect the individual through destruction of social competence and psychosocial identity. But, humiliation and exclusion of individuals and groups have also an important sociocultural effect. The author tries to describe the interaction between violence, shame, humiliation and related psychopathological disturbances in an attempt to contribute to a victim oriented mental health discourse.

Keywords: trauma, shame, humiliation, culture, mental health

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