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Gender differences in (meta)cognitive and motivational-emotional factors of reading comprehension
Svjetlana Kolić-Vehovec, Sonja Pečjak, Neža Ajdišek & Barbara Rončević
Full text (pdf) | Views: 25 | Written in Slovene. | Published: December 30, 2008
Abstract: The aim of our study was to establish, from the aspect of gender, the degree to which reading comprehension is connected with students' academic achievement, potential gender differences between (meta)cognitive and motivational-emotional factors of reading comprehension, and to identify the most important predictors of reading comprehension for exploratory and narrative texts. The results of study, which included 380 Slovenian and Croatian students with the average age of 10;6 years, showed that: (i) reading comprehension significantly determines academic achievement regardless of students' gender; (ii) there are significant gender differences in most of the factors of reading comprehension (girls summarize texts better, have more metacognitive knowledge of reading, show greater reading interest, feel more competent for reading and in general feel better while reading); (iii) the predictive value of cognitive, motivational, and emotional predictors differ for exploratory and narrative texts (for exploratory texts metacognitive factors have the greatest predictive value; for narrative texts motivatonal-emotional factors have the greatest predictive value for boys, and metacognitive factors for girls).
Keywords: reading comprehension, metacognition, motivation, emotions, narratives, exploratory text