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Learning motivation and giftedness in sociocultural diverse Latin America and the Caribbean societies
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Written in English. | Published: March 29, 2015
https://doi.org/10.20419/2014.23.413 | Cited By: CrossRef (2)
Abstract: This theoretical review aims to integrate state-of-the-art learning motivation theoretical concepts within the context of gifted and talent development models for native children living in Latin America and the Caribbean sociocultural diverse societies. Motivation as a determinant factor and a promoter of gifted achievement is analyzed. Also the relation between motivation, outstanding performance and underachievement is discussed and tendencies found in social-emotional development of the gifted linked to motivation are explored. Final remarks are given on the significant role of motivation in the achievement of gifted and talented children living under diverse socio-cultural influences that bias their performance on standardized measures. Recommendations highlight the importance of further research, in order to reach a convergence of theoretical and practical elements needed to promote Latin American children's talent.
Keywords: learning motivation, giftedness, talent development, academic achievement, sociocultural factors
Blumen, S. (2014). Learning motivation and giftedness in sociocultural diverse Latin America and the Caribbean societies. Psihološka obzorja, 23, 125–135. https://doi.org/10.20419/2014.23.413
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