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The IPOO-model of creative learning and the students' information processing characteristics
Katalin Mező & Ferenc Mező
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Written in English. | Published: March 29, 2015
https://doi.org/10.20419/2014.23.414 | Cited By: CrossRef (1)
Abstract: The present study was designed to examine secondary school students' information processing characteristics during learning and their relationship with the students' academic averages, internal motivation for learning and cognitive abilities, such as intelligence and creativity. Although many studies have previously focused on this issue, we are now studying this topic from the perspective of the IPOO-model, which is a new theoretical approach to school learning (note: IPOO is an acronym of Input, Process, Output, Organizing). This study featured 815 participants (secondary school students) who completed the following tests and questionnaires: Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) intelligence test, the "Unusual Uses" creativity test (UUT), the 2nd version of the Jupiterbolha-próba (Jupiter Flea test – JB2) to test the information processing method of learning, and the Learning Attitude Questionnaire (LAQ). In our analysis we took the gender, school grade and academic average of participants into account. According to our results, the quality of information-processing methods of learning is at a low level, and there are no significant strong correlational relationships among the tests and questionnaire results (except in the cases of fluency, originality, and flexibility). There were no significant differences between genders or classes. These findings are consistent with the findings of previous studies.
Keywords: information processing, creativity, learning, IPOO-model, secondary school students
Mező, K., & Mező, F. (2014). The IPOO-model of creative learning and the students' information processing characteristics. Psihološka obzorja, 23, 136–144. https://doi.org/10.20419/2014.23.414
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