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Yalom's interpersonal model of group therapy and its application at acute psychiatric unit
Darja Škrila Čuš & Borjana Kremžar Jovanović
Full text (pdf) | Views: 150 | Written in Slovene. | Published: June 21, 2022
https://doi.org/10.20419/2022.31.549 | Cited By: CrossRef (0)
Abstract: The paper provides an overview of Yalom’s interpersonal model of group therapy for lower functioning inpatients and its application at acute psychiatric units. Literature on practical use of group psychotherapy at acute psychiatric units (which is sparse) has been reviewed. The theoretical frame of Yalom’s model of inpatient group therapy, including the clinical factors specific for a hospital environment and the required modifications of group technique, has been described in detail. The goals of inpatient group therapy and other characteristics of group therapy, including group size and composition, time frame, rules of confidentiality are discussed. The paper further discusses the strategies and techniques of inpatient group leadership and the working model of group psychotherapy for lower functioning inpatients. In the final part of the paper, the application of this model in practice is presented. The therapy group includes male and female acute inpatients, is conducted once a week and led by two clinical psychologists. The paper describes the basic group structure, the goals of the therapeutic process, the contents discussed and the evaluation by patients, carried out in the final stage of each group. Patients find the group useful and consider the tasks, undertaken in the group, appropriate.
Keywords: group therapy, Yalom’s interpersonal model, acute psychiatric unit
Škrila Čuš, D., & Kremžar Jovanović, B. (2022). Yalomov interpersonalni model skupinske terapije in njegova aplikacija na akutni psihiatrični enoti [Yalom's interpersonal model of group therapy and its application at acute psychiatric unit]. Psihološka obzorja, 31, 50–55. https://doi.org/10.20419/2022.31.549
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