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Horizons of Psychology :: Psihološka obzorja

Scientific and Professional Psychological Journal of the Slovenian Psychologists' Association

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Creating education that fits students: Present-Day Challenges for the EFPA Standing Committee on Psychology in Education

Margreet Versteeg

pdf Full text (pdf)  |  Views: 44  |  flagWritten in English.  |  Published: September 16, 2022

Abstract: This article gives information about the Standing Committee on Psychology in Education (SC PiE), the history of the SC PiE and its organisation. It also describes the aims and the work of the SC PiE. The SC PiE focuses on the psychologist’s role in the educational system, the psychologist’s training in the educational system related to the Specialist EuroPsy Certificate on Educational Psychology, the importance of inclusion in education and evidence-based knowledge and processes. The SC PiE gives information and promotes these topics through publications, symposia and presentations. The committee undertakes some limited research. The activities are described in this article. The EFPA Standing Committee Psychology in Education has been invited by the Slovenian Psychologist’s Association to contribute to a volume of their Scientific and Professional Journal “Horizons of Psychology” (2022) with the theme “Psychology in Education: Challenges, choices and changes”. The topic comprises articles about psychology in education from European countries. The special topic is issued on the occasion of the European Congress of Psychology, ECP, 2022 in Ljubljana. The theme of the ECP is "Psychology as the Hub Science: Opportunities and Responsibility".

Keywords: EFPA Standing Committee on Psychology in Education, school psychologist, educational psychology, inclusion, evidence-based knowledge

Versteeg, M. (2022). Creating education that fits students: Present-Day Challenges for the EFPA Standing Committee on Psychology in Education. Psihološka obzorja, 31, 448–452.

Reference list

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