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Assessment of reliability of Matura examinations
Gregor Sočan
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Written in Slovene. | Published: March 1, 2000
Abstract: Reliability of several Slovenian Matura examinations in years 1996-1999 is reviewed, mostly from the viewpoint of the classical test theory. Results of confirmatory factor analyses had shown that coefficient α is not the optimal reliability measure for such tests. Therefore, reliabilities were computed by means of minimum rank factor analysis. Reliabilities of some exams were not satisfactory, especially in cases where the proportion of objectively scored items in the exam was low. Further, changes of reliability through time and reliability of the complete examination score is discussed. Additionally, reliability estimation in the frame of item response theory is illustrated. Finally, some suggestions are made about possible improvements of reliability of exams and its assessment.
Keywords: reliability, Matura, Cronbach's alpha, factor analysis, item response theory