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Working status and perception of adulthood: a comparison between Italian and Dutch emerging adults

Giovanni Piumatti, Fabrizia Giannotta, Antonella Roggero & Emanuela Rabaglietti

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Abstract: The purpose of this study was (a) to identify the criteria Italian and Dutch emerging adults consider important to achieve adulthood; (b) to compare Italian emerging adults' criteria with the criteria espoused by Dutch emerging adults; and (c) to examine how these criteria might differ on the basis of the working status (temporary job contract vs. permanent job contract) of the participants. Participants included 111 Italian (M = 25 years) and 151 Dutch (M = 22 years) university working students. Results revealed that (a) on average, Italian and Dutch emerging adults agreed upon the same order of importance for the criteria of adulthood presented to them; (b) Italian participants, more than Dutch participants, considered particularly important for defining the adult status the criteria related to family capacities; and (c) taking into account the working status of the participants, the answers differed only approaching significance. These findings have important implications for future research as they evidence that emerging adults experience their path to adulthood differently depending on their nationality. Specifically, the main contribution of this study is to have tested such hypotheses in a cross-national manner where contextual and individual differences are both taken into account.

Keywords: transition to adulthood, emerging adulthood, temporary job, Italy, Netherlands

Piumatti, G., Giannotta, F., Roggero, A., & Rabaglietti, E. (2013). Working status and perception of adulthood: a comparison between Italian and Dutch emerging adults. Psihološka obzorja, 22, 39–50.

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