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Teachers’ attitudes towards evidence-based teaching: A comparative analysis between prospective teachers and expert teachers in primary education

Urška Žerak & Mojca Juriševič

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Abstract: Evidence-based teaching, which outgrows intuitive practices, enables teachers to plan, perform and further develop their teaching methods and approaches in order to provide students with effective learning support in specific learning contexts. Past research has shown that teachers’ attitudes generally have a significant impact on their teaching practices. However, research in the specific field of teachers’ attitudes towards evidence-based teaching is still scarce. The purpose of this research is therefore to determine the teachers’ attitudes towards empirically supported teaching and use of research findings in teaching practice, as well as to examine potential differences in their attitudes regarding the level of professional expertise (prospective teachers vs. expert teachers). The sample included second-year undergraduate pre-service primary teachers (n = 181) and their mentors, in-service primary teachers (n = 181). Within the mix-method research design, participants filled out a self-assessment questionnaire about teachers’ attitudes towards educational research. In addition, they answered to two questions related to the implementation of a student research project at schools. Results revealed that prospective teachers and expert teachers have similarly high positive attitudes on two dimensions: perceived necessity and value of educational research. In the dimension of perceived applicability of research findings, prospective teachers have statistically significantly more positive attitudes than expert teachers do (d = 0.52).

Keywords: evidence-based teaching, teachers, attitudes towards educational research, teacher education

Žerak, U., & Juriševič, M. (2020). Odnos učiteljev do empirično podprtega poučevanja: primerjalna analiza stališč med prihodnjimi učitelji in učitelji eksperti v zgodnjem osnovnošolskem izobraževanju [Teachers’ attitudes towards evidence-based teaching: A comparative analysis between prospective teachers and expert teachers in primary education]. Psihološka obzorja, 29, 98–106.

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