« Back to Volume 13 (2004), Issue 1
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Roots of discoursive suicidology
Robert Oravecz
Full text (pdf) | Views: 22 | Written in English. | Published: May 13, 2004
Abstract: The discourse-related suicidological theories were developed in Hungarian suicidology during the 80's. The initial concepts of the theory were developed by Balázs Kézdi, who started the analysis of suicide related texts. The research results exposed the suicidological relevance of negation. During the last decade, according to the increasing number of publications, the relevance of discourse-relatedsuicidological theory has increased. The research studies uncovered and described the linguistic aspects and the role of discourse, constituted during the presuicidal process. The author describes the discoursiveaspects of farewell letters and suicide notes as well as the possible role and function of such discourse in the suicide process.
Keywords: suicide, suicide note, pragmatics, intention, speech-act theory