« Back to Volume 13 (2004), Issue 3
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Self-efficacy in the context of organizational psychology
Maja Fesel Martinčevič
Full text (pdf) | Views: 27 | Written in Slovene. | Published: September 28, 2004
Abstract: The article outlines the concept of self-efficacy and its applications in context of work and organizational behavior. Self-efficacy stems from the social cognitive theory of A. Bandura and is believed to be an important determinant of behavior. Numerous studies have confirmed its connection to actual effectiveness. First, the article focuses on definition of self-efficacy in general and on its theoretical background. It continues by reviewing the concept's cases of use within organizational psychology either in connection with consequences of self-efficacy on employees (work effectiveness, absenteeism, work satisfaction and burn-out), in relation to sources of employee's self-efficacy (application of the self-efficacy concept in leadership and training), or in connection with counseling of organizations or individuals (application in selection and work-team formation). It is concluded, that the application of the concept in connection with work and organizational behavior is useful and perspective. Finally, a critical review of the concept is given and guidelines for its further use and studies are outlined.
Keywords: self-efficacy, self-regulation, social cognitive theory, organizational behavior, determinants of work, work effectiveness