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Horizons of Psychology :: Psihološka obzorja

Scientific and Professional Psychological Journal of the Slovenian Psychologists' Association

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« Back to Volume 13 (2004), Issue 4

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Anorexia is not only a disease of an idividuum, but of the whole system

Natalija Podjavoršek

pdf Full text (pdf)  |  Views: 55  |  flagWritten in Slovene.  |  Published: February 2, 2005

Abstract: Anorexia is a "disease" of the third millennium and it is almost always the reflection of the hole family and not only of the individual suffering from it. An anorexic teenager can be thus fully understood and efficiently treated only in the context of the whole family. The article describes the factors influencing the break out of anorexia, the basic characteristics of anorexic families, and also describes in greater detail the therapy with the parents of the anorexic teenager. The therapy is based on systemic – relational model. The data gathered by audio and video taping of the mentioned therapy, are processed with the analysis of the transcripts. Special emphasis is placed on the therapist's interventions, that cause important changes within the session and consequently affect the relationships within the family. The following research has shown that seven sessions of systemic – relational therapy significantly changed the dynamics of the family with an anorexic patient. The spouses have realised that anorexia is a problem of the whole family and not only their daughter's problem. By revealing this fact the girl was no longer the family's scapegoat and carrier of the unresolved conflict from the marital relationship. The result indicates the effectiveness of systemic – relational therapy when working with anorexic clients and/or families.

Keywords: anorexia, eating disorders, spouses therapy, family therapy, systemic relational therapy

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