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Horizons of Psychology :: Psihološka obzorja

Scientific and Professional Psychological Journal of the Slovenian Psychologists' Association

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« Back to Volume 20 (2011), Issue 4

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Romantic adult attachment and basic personality structure

Jelena Zeleskov Djoric & Janko Medjedovic

pdf Full text (pdf)  |  Views: 77  |  flagWritten in English.  |  Published: March 19, 2012

Abstract: The main goal of this study was localization of attachment dimensions in the space described by basic personality traits. Study purported to examine relations between attachment and basic personality structure, in a sample of 203 respondents. Romantic adult attachment was measured by the Experience in Close Relationship Scale, basic personality structure was assessed by the NEO-PI-R personality inventory, and Disintegration, which represents operationalization of Schizotypy as a basic personality trait, was estimated by the Delta 10 test. The results of Principal component analysis showed that attachment dimensions are not separate constructs in relation to basic personality traits. Furthermore, results indicate that attachment dimensions represent emotional dysregulation in close interpersonal relationships, because positive correlations are found between dimensions of Attachment and Mania (.35), Anxiety (.51) and Depression (.55). Negative correlations have been obtained between Attachment and Positive emotions (-.34) and Feelings (-.31). These results suggest that Attachment dimensions should be considered as an expression of basic personality traits in romantic adult's relationships.

Keywords: attachment, romantic relationships, five-factor personality model, disintegration

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