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Work-related risk factors for suicidal behaviour, protective factors and possibilities for prevention

Tina Podlogar

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Abstract: Work is an important part of adult life. As such it is closely connected to health and mental health. Aspects of occupation, work and employment can represent risk factors for suicidal behaviour or protective factors against it. Aim of this article is to present the known work-related risk factors for suicidal behaviour, protective factors and possibilities for preventive activities in this context. An important risk factor for suicidal behaviour is unemployment. Connection between unemployment and suicidality is complex and can be explained in two ways: (i) underlying vulnerability leads to both unemployment and suicidal behaviour, while (ii) the connection is also thought be causal to some extent. The addressed topic is very important in the period of economic recession, when unemployment rates are high and adverse changes in terms of working conditions can occur. Different psycho-social and other working conditions are also connected to suicidal behaviour. Efficient preventive activities include approaches on multiple levels: active politics of solving economic crisis and improving the labour market conditions, creating and maintaining stimulating working conditions, raising awareness and mental health promotion among the employees, gatekeeper training, and restriction of means for suicide in occupations with access to them. Due to complexity of suicidal behaviour there is a need for further research, which would contribute to better understanding of specific risk factors and especially protective factors in vulnerable groups.

Keywords: suicide, work, employment, risk factors, prevention

Podlogar. T. (2015). Z delom povezani dejavniki tveganja za samomorilno vedenje, varovalni dejavniki in možnosti preventivnega delovanja [Work-related risk factors for suicidal behaviour, protective factors and possibilities for prevention]. Psihološka obzorja, 24, 104–113.

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