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Validation of the Slovene form of Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale

Lina Faletič & Andreja Avsec

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Abstract: The aim of our study was to systematically investigate the metric characteristics of the Slovenian translation of the Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K–DOCS), a self-report questionnaire for measuring self/everyday, scholarly, performance, mechanical/scientific and artistic creativity. The participants (N = 319) filled in the mentioned questionnaire and the Big Five Questionnaire BFI–K. Confirmatory factor analysis of the K–DOCS questionnaire showed adequate fit of the originally proposed five-factor model to the data. The correlation matrix of the five areas of creativity and the big five factors of personality matched our expectations as openness to experience had maximum correlations with all areas of creativity, with the exception of mechanical/scientific creativity. Gender differences were also consistent with our expectations, as men reported higher mechanical/scientific creativity, and women higher artistic creativity. The Slovenian translation of the Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K–DOCS) has therefore proved to be a reliable and valid instrument for measuring an individual’s self-assessed creativity in five domains.

Keywords: Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K–DOCS), validation, factor structure, personality traits, gender differences

Faletič, L., & Avsec, A. (2019). Validacija slovenske oblike Kaufmanovega vprašalnika ustvarjalnih področij [Validation of the Slovene form of Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale]. Psihološka obzorja, 28, 40–52.

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