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Comparability of achievement at basic and higher level of mathematics at general matura
Gašper Cankar & Janez Žerovnik
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Written in Slovene. | Published: November 19, 2020
https://doi.org/10.20419/2020.29.523 | Cited By: CrossRef (0)
Abstract: Mathematics examination on general matura is widely established in Slovenia as it represents one of compulsory exams. Since 1995 every gymnasium student must take it either at basic or higher level of difficulty. On the basic level a student can achieve grade points 1-5 while at higher level grade points go from 1 to 8. Both National examinations centre and subject experts committee constantly implement different instruments to assure equivalent point grades for equivalent knowledge on both exams. There is, however, always a possibility for improvements in current procedures towards higher objectivity and fairness. We compared current methods for setting grade boundaries (based on Classical Test Theory) to results and insights gained from Item Response Theory. They suggest new post-hoc procedures that may be implemented in a critical time period when grade boundaries are being defined. New procedures may improve both fairness and equivalence of grade points that students achieve on basic and higher level of examinations in mathematics.
Keywords: general matura, mathematics, item response theory, level equivalence
Cankar, G., & Žerovnik, J. (2020). Primerljivost dosežkov na osnovni in višji ravni izpita iz matematike na splošni maturi [Comparability of achievement at basic and higher level of mathematics at general matura]. Psihološka obzorja, 29, 158–169. https://doi.org/10.20419/2020.29.523
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