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Horizons of Psychology :: Psihološka obzorja

Scientific and Professional Psychological Journal of the Slovenian Psychologists' Association

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Evaluation of visual motor skills to determine effective behaviour in demanding work situations

Matej Čeh & Marija Molan

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Abstract: A person’s ability to behave effectively in demanding work situations at work is evaluated as part of a psychological assessment of work ability. Workplaces, where the visual and motor skill loads are assessed as above average, adequate psychomotor skills of the worker are required. In this paper we present the results of a research performed on a sample of 198 candidates and employees in workplaces from the fields of first response, health, safety, and security. We evaluated the psychomotor abilities of the individuals included in the research by using tests of visual orientation, visual motor coordination, and differentiated motor responsiveness. The results were compared according to the way stimuli were presented (active or adaptive), the type of motor activity (discrete or continuous), and the responses/stimuli ratio. Analysis shows that individuals with faster responses are more effective with discrete motor tasks. To perform continuous motor tasks under time pressure, the individual must have adequate balance of psychomotor functions, which is determined with the speed and accuracy ratio response. The analysis shows that there are statistically significant differences in the ability of participants to keep accurate responses under time pressure. These differences show the psychomotor response style that either favours speed or accuracy. We conclude that the speed and accuracy of motor reactions is not sufficient to provide a comprehensive assessment of the psychomotor capability. When evaluating the ability to perform adequately in work with higher risk conditions it is necessary to consider the ratio between speed and accuracy, as well as the capability of maintaining adequate motor reactions under time pressure.

Keywords: work ability assessment, demanding work situations, visual motor skills, response time, behavioral efficiency

Čeh, M., & Molan, M. (2021). Evalvacija zaznavno-motoričnih sposobnosti za ugotavljanje učinkovitega vedenja v varnostno zahtevnih situacijah [Evaluation of visual motor skills to determine effective behaviour in demanding work situations]. Psihološka obzorja, 30, 171–181.

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