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A new approach to relationship prevention: Introducing the Rebuild-Relationship Building Dance® method

Anna Erdőfi

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Abstract: High divorce rates worldwide require strengthening and maintaining the quality of relationships and marriages, but it is still a problem in therapy that partners in crisis begin to seek professional help too late, so it is important to draw attention to the potentials of prevention. The marriage and relationship-building programs developed for this purpose, using classical methods, have been shown to have a number of benefits, but they have been widely criticized by researchers studying this topic: a new approach, the practical psychoeducation method called Rebuild-Relationship Building Dance®, which uses ballroom dancing as a tool to strengthen relationships, can be an answer to most of the criticism. The aim of the present research is to examine the effectiveness of the method using quantitative methods. The two-year survey involved partners preparing for their wedding. The study group (N = 64) completed a test battery measuring several variables of the relationship (BFI, RAS, DCI, FACES IV/communication, PSI, RSES, PAIR) three times and the control group (N = 38) twice. Statistical analysis confirmed the beneficial effects of the Rebuild® method on relationships in terms of self-esteem, relationship satisfaction, communication, conflict management, intimacy, sexuality, and caring for the partner, while there was no change between the results of the tests administered at two different time points without relationship intervention; moreover, deterioration in several variables (sexuality, communication, relationship satisfaction) was seen during the 8 months observed. In light of the results, the method offers a new, practical alternative in relationship prevention and can be complementary to classical therapeutic methods.

Keywords: relationship, marriage, ballroom dancing, prevention, strengthening relationships

Erdőfi, A. (2022). A new approach to relationship prevention: Introducing the Rebuild-Relationship Building Dance® method. Psihološka obzorja, 31, 553–561.

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