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Presentation of Three Types of The Scale of Self-Perception for Preschool Children (LSPO)
Zlatka Cugmas
Full text (pdf) | Views: 14 | Written in Slovene. | Published: December 1, 2001
Abstract: The author describes the established methods of measuring child's self-perception. She points out that in creating the instruments for measuring self-perception of younger children, it is necessary to take into account some of their developmental psychological characteristics, such as short attention-span, inconsistency in their answers, tendency to give socially acceptable answers, etc. The author presents the Scale of Self-Perception for Preschool Children (slov.: LSPO) which she developed on the basis of her own findings and on the basis of the experience of other authors developing psychological instruments of this type. The scale was tested in a research which involved 214 children attending kindergarten. They were 4 to 5 years old. The article describes the sub-scales of LSPO and their psychometric characteristics and presents descriptive data of the children's self-estimates, their motivation for solving the scale and their understanding of the items, as well as the correspondence between the self-evaluation of the children and the evaluation of the children's self-perception conveyed by the mothers and teachers. The results are presented separately with respect to the three types of LSPO implementation (verbally, with puppets and with drawings). It was established that the psychometric characteristics of the scale are adequate, however, in further research the implementation with drawings or puppets is recommended.
Keywords: pre-school children, self-perception, psychometric characteristics, measurement scales, implementation