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Horizons of Psychology :: Psihološka obzorja

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The influence of various distracting stimuli on spatial working memory

Martina Starc & Grega Repovš

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Abstract: Protecting information from distraction is essential for optimal performance of working memory. We examined how the presence of distracting stimuli influences spatial working memory and compared the effect of both task-similar and negatively emotionally salient distractors. We checked the effect of distractors on the accuracy of high-resolution representations, as well as the maintenance of spatial categories, and more precisely defined not only the existence but also the direction of the distracting influences (towards or away from the position of the distractor). Participants (n = 25, 8 men, 19–31 years old) were asked to remember the exact position of a target scrambled image and recall it with a joystick after a delay. In some trials an additional distracting image (scrambled, neutral or negative) was shown during the delay. We measured the spread of responses (standard deviation of angular error) and shifts of the average response towards the prototype angles (45°) or towards the position of distractors. Distracting stimuli did not affect the spread of responses and decreased the tendency of participants to move the responses towards the prototype angle. Different types of distractors did not differ in this effect. Contrary to expectations, the participants moved their responses away from the position of distractors; this effect was more pronounced for negative distractors. In addition to memorizing the exact position and maintaining attention on the position of the stimulus, participants are likely to strategically use information about spatial category membership (quadrants) and information about the position of the distractor. The repulsive effect of the distractor likely results from inhibition of its position and indicates the need to supplement computational models of spatial working memory and to take into account different strategies of working memory use.

Keywords: working memory, visuo-spatial working memory, distractors, negative emotions, direction of distraction

Starc, M., & Repovš, G. (2015). Vpliv različnih motečih dražljajev na prostorski delovni spomin [The influence of various distracting stimuli on spatial working memory]. Psihološka obzorja, 24, 76–89.

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