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Can an experience of a punishment episode in childhood period be connected with depressive or anxiety conditions in adulthood?

Saša Poljak Lukek

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Abstract: Punishment, when understood as parents' response to undesirable behavior of a child and representing gradual restricting of such behavior, is an essential part of parents' role in the family. In the context of the paradigm of affective regulation, anxiety and depression states represent another unsuccessful attempt of trying to get closer and to find a connection in the relationship. This study, conducted on 197 participants, addressed the connection between punishment in upbringing and behavior disturbances in adulthood. Depressive states in adulthood were statistically significantly, although weakly connected with the experience of corporal punishment, punishment and restitution, and psychological aggression form both parents. Anxiety states were statistically significantly, although weakly connected with the experience of psychological aggression from both parents and with the experience of corporal punishment, and punishment and restitution of the mother. The participants who attained the criteria for diagnosis of depression were more exposed to corporal punishment at the age of 10 years (from both parents), punishment and restitution (from the father) and psychological aggression (from the father) compared to the participants without the diagnosis of depression. The paradigm of affective regulation is presented as a possible explanation of the connection between experiences of punishment as a way of upbringing in childhood and later mood disorders in adulthood. Punishment during upbringing that is not accompanied by parents' maintaining of the connection with the child can present the first experience of negative affection, which is the core of anxiety and depressive states. The mood disorders in adulthood can be understood as another failure when trying to reestablish the balance between external information and internal experiences that were primarily disturbed by the experience of punishment when growing up.

Keywords: childrearing practices, punishment, depression, anxiety, emotional regulation

Poljak Lukek, S. (2012). Ali lahko izkušnjo kaznovanja v vzgoji iz otroštva povezujemo z depresivnimi ali s tesnobnimi stanji v odraslosti? [Can an experience of a punishment episode in childhood period be connected with depressive or anxiety conditions in adulthood?]. Psihološka obzorja, 21(3), 29–36.

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