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Horizons of Psychology :: Psihološka obzorja

Scientific and Professional Psychological Journal of the Slovenian Psychologists' Association

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« Back to Volume 9 (2000), Issue 1

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Matura final examination in psychology: some metric properties

Valentin Bucik

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Abstract: Matura in Slovenia consist of five subjects. The three compulsory subjects are: Mother Tongue, Mathematics and Foreign Language. Psychology is one of the two optional subjects (electives) that must be chosen from a wide range of natural sciences, foreign and classical languages, humanities, social sciences, and technical or vocational subjects. The examination checks the achievement of important subject aims and assessment objectives in different subject contents, including knowledge, comprehension, interpretation, evaluation, and use of the research methodology. The examination includes two parts. In the external part (75 % of the final score) the candidate is obliged to answer different structured and semi-structured questions which are assessed by the external experts in the field. For each of the questions very exactly defined marking and grading instructions are elaborated. In the so-called internal part (25 %) the candidate must conduct and report about the research, which may be of empirical or theoretical nature. It is assessed by the teacher-mentor and not by the external assessors. In this paper some metric properties mainly of the external part of the psychology examination in the last two years are presented. Some comparative analyses and correlations were calculated between particular parts of the exam and between results in different generations of students. It was stressed that the marking and grading instructions used by the examiners could and should be better, which would also be reflected in the sensitivity, reliability and objectivity of assessment.

Keywords: Matura, final examination, assessment, correlation, item analysis, objectivity, Slovenia

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